04.Apr.14 | Legacy


Daryl presented at Physiosports Brighton around September 2013…..a triathlete of the 90s, inspired to return and do an Ironman, but with an arthritic knee that wouldn’t straighten fully.
We assessed Daryl, and taking into account the many variables involved including the knee pathology, his lower limb strength and mechanics, his training and racing history, and his minimum requirements for running in the lead-up to Melbourne, we created a plan.
We needed to control pain, swelling, strength and the neuromuscular ability of the lower limb.  Once these were at a baseline, it was all about LOAD MANAGEMENT.  What is the capacity of the damaged tissue, and the whole lower limb? How do we know if we have overloaded? What needs to be done to increase the capacity?
Running was initiated….with gradual increase in volume. Self coached, Daryl and the Rehabilitation team created a training regime working back from his final long run, and including walking intervals to control fatigue and never running 2 days in a row.

It is a credit to Daryl that he followed the plan to the letter, working incredibly hard to improve the capacity of his body to handle the load of ironman training and racing.

“I had a great race.  Finished in 9:53.  Rough times were 58 mins swim, 5:10 hr bike and 3:34 run. Plus transitions. 11th in age group and 277th overall
I Missed Kona (Hawaii world IM champs) place by 1.  The guy ahead of me did 9:48, so missed by 5 mins.  I am not disappointed.  I am STOKED to have finished my 1st ironman, finish under 10 hours and achieve my IM goal from watching the finish 2 years ago in 2012 at the 1st Melbourne IM
I would not have made it to the start line without these strong body exercises and my Physio Kate’s rehab,  considering I only ran 7 kms at the Shepparton 1/2 Ironman in November and now got through the IM marathon in pretty good shape.
I pulled up okay.  Only muscle soreness in the quads and maybe a bit tight in the ITBs, but no pain.
Thanks for your help and support (and the rest of the team at Physiosports Brighton) in getting me to the start line”

