Mastering Load Level 1

03.Jun.14 | Legacy

Mastering Load Level 1

Level 1 Course

Paul Visentini FACP, Specialist Sports Physiotherapist
Steve Whytcross, APA Sports Physiotherapist
Lynne Thompson, Masters in Sports Physiotherapy

A detailed analysis of how the body is able to deal with athletic loading at the:

  1. MACROSCOPIC level: The closed kinetic chain from foot to trunk needs to work synergistically to dissipate load in running, change of direction and jump and land activities, as well as efficiently creating power. We analyse it’s function and dysfunctions.
  2. MICROSCOPIC level: Any force or load on the body has an effect at the cellular level. Which      loads have a positive effect, which negative? How does cartilage, bone, muscle, fascia, tendon         react to load? How can we use Mechanotherapy (anabolic load) to make the body better?

Sunday  24  August  2014
Physiosports Brighton
429 Nepean HWY Brighton East VIC 3187

An analysis of Closed Chain loading and the evidence base supporting assessment and management of this system. Hands-on assessment of local and global aspects, as well as functional assessment.

Theory of Tissue and Bone Loading at a cellular level-how we can optimise tissue and bone loading for management and prevention of injury.

  • For Physiotherapists, Doctors and Allied Health Practitioners
  • Cost: $290
  • For more information and registration please email
  •  Registrations close Friday 14 August 2014

All sessions will be held at Physiosports Brighton 429 Nepean Hwy Brighton East, VIC 3187

Meals and refreshments provided.

