Science of Cycling 24 to 25 October 2014

23.Jul.14 | Legacy

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Physiosports Brighton Presents
Science of Cycling
24 to 25 October 2014

A 2 day course presenting the ‘all-you-need-to-know’ of Cycling Related Injury Management, and how you can realistically make Cycling Assessment a part of your everyday practice.

Rob Brown
Physiotherapist Orica-Greenedge Cycling
APA Sports Physiotherapist

Emma Colson
APA Sports & Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
Australian Commonwealth Games Mountain Bike Representative 2006
Olympic Road Cycling Physiotherapist 2000

Paul Visentini (FACP)
Specialist Sports Physiotherapist

Steve Whytcross (AACP)
APA Sports Physiotherapist

Cycling is a complex interaction between the body and the bike, and so both the body and the bike need to be included in a clinical reasoning process aimed at injury management and prevention, as well as improved performance.
Knowledge of bike set-up, as well as movement analysis, are essential, and the Science of Cycling will present a clinical and business framework for the bike set-up practitioner, as well as a current summary of literature in the area, and an elite level perspective of management of the cyclist.

Rob Brown is the physiotherapy director for Orica-Greenedge cycling, and is at the coalface of Australian High-Performance Cycling. He lives in Girona, Spain, and travels extensively with the team, guiding all aspects of their musculoskeletal health. He has a special interest in injury monitoring at the elite level, as well as injury prevention and recovery in cycling.

Emma Colson is one of Australia’s best qualified and most experienced bike set-up practitioners, with a specialised practice in this discipline. She has been involved in high performance cycling as a physiotherapist and a competitor, and has written many articles in the area of Cycling Science.

Paul Visentini is a recreational cyclist and highly involved in teaching and management in the area of ‘Load Mastery’. He runs the ‘Science of Cycling Giro D’Italia Tour’ each May, and has a special interest in muscle activation and load sharing in the closed kinetic chain, especially in cycling.

Steve Whytcross is an Associate of the Australian College of Physiotherapy and also teaches ‘Load Mastery’ around Australia. He has presented extensively regarding the use of technology in physiotherapy, and has a special interest in bike set-up and the integration of technology in assessment, rehabilitation and feedback.

Friday 24 October
Day One

6pm – 10pm
Epidemiology of Injury in Elite Cyclist: Rob Brown
The Cycling Body: Strength Activation & Kinematics: Paul Visentini
Technology in Physiotherapy Practice & Cycling Assessment Applications:
Steve Whytcross

Saturday 25 October
Day Two
8:30am – 5pm
Bike Set-Up: Emma Colson & Paul Visentini
The Cycling Body: Assessment: Emma Colson
Case Studies: Rob Brown, Emma Colson & Paul Visentini
Cycling Injury and Pain: Aetiology, Prevalence & Risk Factors: Rob Brown & Paul Visentini
‘Bike Set Up’: A Business Model: Steve Whytcross

Cost:   $420

All sessions for the weekend will be held at Physiosports Brighton 429 Nepean Highway Brighton East, VIC, 3187

Practical component on Saturday- bring cycling kit, bike and wind-trainer.Meals and refreshments will be provided at all sessions.

For course registration form and further details email
Registrations close:  Wednesday 15th October 2014.

Like our facebook page for regular course updates.
