Professor Kay Crossley

10.Jan.17 | Legacy

Kay CrossleyProfessor Kay Crossley is the Director of the La Trobe Sport and Exercise Medicine Research Centre.  Her main research focus is on the prevention and management of patellofemoral pain and early-onset osteoarthritis after sports-related injuries.

Kay is a physiotherapist with many years of experience in clinical sports physiotherapy.  She has contributed to a number of sports medicine and physiotherapy texts, including every edition of “Brukner and Khan’s Clinical Sports Medicine”.

Kay maintains a strong research interest in optimising treatments for patellofemoral conditions (pain and osteoarthritis).  Additionally, she has developed a new focus of research, which encompasses three major fields.  The major focus is on the development and prevention of osteoarthritis following sports related injuries, with fields in patellofemoral osteoarthritis following patellofemoral pain, knee osteoarthritis following ACL reconstruction and hip OA following hip-related injuries (including FAI and labral tears).
