Gen McGlashan

Specialist Women’s, Men’s and Pelvic Health Physiotherapist

Gen McGlashan is a SPECIALIST WOMEN’S, MEN’S and PELVIC HEALTH PHYSIOTHERAPIST (as awarded by the Australian College of Physiotherapists in 2010) and has been working within the pelvic health physiotherapy world for 30 years in private practice. She is currently one of the Vice Presidents of the Australian College of Physiotherapists. Gen has lectured and supervised undergraduate and postgraduate physiotherapists over the years, presented at conferences, and enjoys mentoring clinicians.

She has completed levels 1-4 of Clinical Pilates instructor training (DMA) and enjoys integrating exercise in treatment to help facilitate return to function. Helping people to fully engage in life, not held back by pelvic health concerns is her passion.

She loves working with and helping:

  • women of all ages and stages of life – young women, pregnant and postnatal, perimenopausal and menopausal, and older women with pelvic health concerns
  • men preparing for and recovering from prostate surgery, experiencing persistent pelvic pain, bladder and bowel issues
  • athletes with pelvic health challenges -such as continence, pain, prolapse – improving their performance and quality of life is a particular interest, having been involved in elite sport personally (Rowing). Working closely with the athlete to understand the biomechanics and loads involved in their sport or exercise so their program can be tailored to their specific requirements is one of Gen’s particular interests.

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