Cycling Trauma & Accident Management 30 Minutes

Unfortunately, accidents happen. And when they do, the trauma and impact can result in specific and complex consequences to the body that goes well beyond standard injury management and rehabilitation.

Likewise, whereas injury is often isolated to single part/function of the body – trauma and accident management can have multiple impact points and with that a complexity of how to manage this, which is why it is important to work with an expert physiotherapist who can support your needs.

We also understand how important it is to get back on the bike after an accident, and we work with you to keep your mind and body strong and moving towards recovery and a return to riding.


  1. Detailed triage process giving a background to your cycling and goals
  2. A detailed assessment by an expert cycling physiotherapist of key components of strength and movement in the cycling body – and understanding of trauma and the recovery process.
  3. Education and teaching regarding any deficits in your cycling chain, and how to remedy the problems
  4. Teaching of the appropriate rehabilitation exercise program
  5. A program plan via email or video exercise program




Our Team

Learn more about our Physio Bikefit team and the expertise and clinical training our expert cycling physiotherapists bring to your bike fit and assessments.


30 minutes – $177
Health insurance rebates may apply*