Physiosports Brighton,
429 Nepean Highway, Brighton East,
3187, VIC, Australia
03 9596 9155
Is your body capable of performing a perfect golf swing?
Executing a golf swing is an amazing act of skill. It requires a fine balance between power and precision. When things go wrong you head to the range and hit balls hoping to find the magic trick to right that wayward ball. When that doesn’t work, you book a lesson and get the pro to eliminate your bad habits. Yet somehow these habits keep creeping back. Why?
At Physiosports we offer a comprehensive screening program to determine the underlying physical issues that prevent you from performing at your optimum. Utilising digital swing analysis, Real Time Ultrasound assessment and a golf-specific musculo-skeletal screening protocol we implement a program to rectify your specific physical limitations. The answer is simple: better body, better game!